Those Hands !!
Everyone has a spooky story that they swear by. One that made them go white in the face, dry in the throat and a voice that went barely a squeak. The brain froze and heart sank to the bottomless stomach. Some would say that they don’t believe in ghost types and I agree. But I never mentioned a ‘ghost story’ did I? Rather a ‘spooky story’. It is not about ghosts. It is more about an eerie, a sinister, a paranormal…or an unknown. It is about the unexplained that has etched itself in your memory. An event, that despite the time gone by, still makes you feel hollow if your neurons connected old dots. It could be a simple shoulder tap or the smell of damp wood or a visual of a withered plant. It could be millions of things that are around you that would otherwise be the usual. For me, sometimes the winters trigger it. As far as I remember, it probably started to occur during the December of 2005. Or was it November I am not sure. But I def...