
Showing posts with the label Birth of a Father

Born a Father !

       Was it magic that I was just witnessing, I couldn’t fathom what I was going through. I did not understand or figure out the moment that was unfolding itself into.        I was holding my new born in my hands for the first time. This beautiful brown little one with a tuft of hair neatly combed to one side was nestling in my arms. I was looking at him sleeping peacefully. And he was oblivious to all of the excitement running thru me. He looked like an angel all nicely ensconced in the soft white cloth from head to toe with only his face peeking out to the outside world. Few strands of soft silky hair which escaped the expert combing were perched lightly upon his forehead. Am not sure if those little lips were smiling or it was the natural curvature but then they charmed me no end. The cheeks were thin and felt warm as I stroked them lightly with the back of my index finger, careful not to wake him up.    ...